"Every Father Reached, Is A Generation Changed."

Our Prayer is for
Every Father to be a D.T.L:
A Daddy That Looks!
Daddy Look!™
A book written for every man who is a father or serves as a father figure. Whether you are a biological father, father of a blended family, or serve in the capacity as a mentor, spiritually, emotionally, socially or psychologically, the book is designed to do 3 things:
Capture, Call & Connect.
Capture: Daddy Look! will capture a man's
• Attention by helping him to recognize Why his children want him to look so badly, and realize he has possibly disengaged from the life of his children.
• Agenda by revealing Where he has been looking, and the areas where his time and resources are being spent, if not toward his children.
• Audience by bringing his focus back to What's most important in his life: His family, and if no longer with the mother, simply his children.
Call: Daddy Look! will call a man to
• Look at what he is missing by not engaging in the life of his children and also to recognize the Dangers of Not Looking into the lives of his children.
• Lead his children with integrity, wisdom and strength so that they have a greater opportunity to grow into socially, morally and spiritually responsible adults.
• Love his children unconditionally so that his children will know and understand that no matter what challenges or mistakes they make, Daddy's Got My Back!
Connect: Daddy Look! will connect a man to
• The Message: that more than video games, money, toys or extra-curricular activities, his children are crying out Daddy Look!™
• A Mentor: through resources, Daddy Look!™ Workshops and other like-minded mens groups who can be an aid and support to him as he endeavors to Look into the lives of his children
• The Master: through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.