"Every Father Reached, Is A Generation Changed."

The Men Behind The Book

Dr. Todd A. Battle serves as the Senior Pastor of The Faith Tabernacle Community Church of Oakland, CA. He acknowledged and accepted his calling into the gospel ministry of Jesus Christ at age 20. He preached his first sermon on April 9, 1988 and was ordained May 1992. He received his Bachelors of Arts Degree in Religious Studies from San Jose State University, San Jose, CA in December 1993, his Masters of Theological Studies (M.TS) from Faith Theological Seminary of Tacoma, WA in October 2002 and His Doctor Of Ministry (D.Min) with emphasis in Pastoral Care from Andersonville Theological Seminary of Camilla, GA in May 2009. He completed his Master Of Business Administration (MBA) through the University of Phoenix in September 2010.
Along with co-authoring Daddy Look!™, Todd has written several Bible Studies and Lectures which include (but are not limited to) Stewardship: Its Not Just About Money!!, The Grand Command: How To Love Your Neighbor, Lets Talk About Sex!!, Thats Why I Am A Christian!!, How To Take Care Of Your Pastor, Three Things You Should Know About Your Pastor, Prayer: The Indispensable Lifeline, Spiritual Leadership, Spiritual Gifts: Its Time To Use Them, Dating: An Interview For Marriage, Why Tithe?, Lets F.R.A.N.gelize, Why Men Hate Going To Church and What Happens To People When They Die.
Todd is married to his lovely wife, Lady Patricia Battle. And their union has produced two beautiful daughters: Patrice Alani and DeVona Denise. He has conducted seminars, workshops and revivals throughout all of California, as well as other parts of the country. He loves the Lord, the work of the ministry, and the People of God, and he has dedicated his life to the spread of the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Born and raised in the Bay Area on July 18, 1974. Blu was choked coming into this world. Literally! He had the umbilical cord wrap around his neck, and came out blue, thus the nickname BLU. Without the E because the gangs are quite serious about a color!!!
Darrel Sanders A.K.A. BLU went to Castlemont High School in Oakland, CA. Where he graduated in 1992 and was glad he did, seens how the generation he grew up in never knew the number to C.P.S. (Child Protective Services). Blu reminisces back in to those afro days, when Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5 were singing, ABC, easy as ONE, TWO, THREE, when Off the Wall came before Off DA Hook! and laughs, knowing he soon would strive to be like one of them, just loving to perform. Having the motivation to do so, Blu became a D.J. and Producer in Rap & R&B music world, which is how the acronym Beats Lyrically Unlimited was birthed. Beat boxing at local schools, elementary and in class, at parties, now at the present time, church!! (Who would of thought?) Where ever he went, the named followed.
Blu served in the U.S. Marine Corps and received an Honorable Discharge. He starred in Bay Area local plays such as Caught -UP written by Beverly Brown, Lystra at Chabot college where he attended with his major in Drama and Mass Communication and persued any other field relating to entertainment.
Blu took on the task of trying to become a movie star or actor of some sort but got called to minister to the lost, lonely and left out. Thus, he was Licensed as minister in March of 2001 and was later ordained as Elder.
Blu has received his Associates of Theology Degree and is currently studying in hopes to receive his Masters in Theology.
Poem entitled: ME
*Note to the PUBLIC: Please dont trip, over these words that will hopefully encourage those who need, those who feed, those whos greed will likely get in the way of a blessing. Blessings, from a man who lacks the understanding of what it literally means to be above water, yet low enough to swim in puddles of tears accumulated by broken hearts and crushed dreams.
Failure seems to facilitate itself by the following of fear and fictitious fables. Hes been labeled as a person who some see as able.
Able to be, able to see , able only because you have allowed him to be!!!
So who does GOD send?
Greetings, from a Brotha who has shared in the dark what no one else could see, yet hear. Where drops of emotions fall repeatedly down the face of disappointment. Outraged by the cacophonous crowd clamoring chants that have gathered to hurl hellacious insults, only to THANK GOD, Im still ME!!!
The ME thats glad to be here with thee.
Thank you for your time in reading the bio of what GOD chose for me to be.
A Husband of 1, A DADDY of 5, A Minister to those, A Blessing to all, A friend and Fellow Poet to some...
GOD's Blessing !!!
Reggie Watts was born June 15th 1977 in Columbia Mississippi. His parents moved them to San Francisco California in 1980 where they joined Mt. Vernon Missionary Baptist church under Pastor O.V Latin and he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior at the age of 12. His family moved to Vallejo California in 1988 where he received his high school diploma from Dr. James Hogan Senior High School in 1996.
Reggie attended Solano Community College and received a basketball scholarship to San Francisco State University where he studied Business Administration. He announced his call to the ministry in 1999 and preached his first sermon December 31st, 2000. He received his Certification of License to Gospel Ministry on April 2nd, 2000 and his Certification of Ordination on December 28th, 2003 both under the pastoral leadership of Reverend Leroy Williams Sr., Pastor of Mount Hermon Missionary Baptist Church in San Francisco California.
With a love for people Reggie attended Vallejo Bible College in Vallejo, California and went on to receive Certification of Membership of the A.A.C. (American Association of Christian Counselors on August 9th, 2004.
Reggie is a faithful member of the King Solomon Baptist Church family in the city of Benicia, California where Dr. Kevin Armstrong is his loving Pastor and Teacher. Reggie is currently serving under Pastor Armstrong as the associate and youth minister, President of the Men Department, and a teacher for both the youth Bible Class and Sunday School.
Reggie is married to his amazing wife Aisha and is a proud father of 6 amazing children (Reggie Jr., Justus, Jeremiah, Aaliyah, Alaya and Aniya).